New years hog roasts in Wales

Welcome to the latest Spitting Pig Wales blog.  Its just a few days left until we enter 2011! While January might be a quiet month for most we have still got plenty of  events to get us busy and lots of plans for our business in the New Year. 

The Christmas period was hectic for us but we are not complaining as we catered at many fabulous events which is what we love to do the most.  Also it was fantastic to meet some of our new customers over the festive period.

So our next main event is New years eve celebrations we have quite a few of theses booked in and what better way to see in 2011 then with a glass of champagne and a good old hog roast? We are catering a large new years eve ball in Cardiff and we will be serving a tasty hog roast treat and serving champagne cocktails so that evryone is well fed and satisfied before the big countdown begins! 🙂

On the first of January as the rest of the world stays in bed nursing their hangovers we will be off and out to yet another big event in the countryside.  The Craddock family have been customers of ours for years and every year they request our catering services for New Years Day at their annual family party held in their beautiful country home.  This year we are preparing a hog roast and a lamb roast with all the trimmings for them.  Over the years the whole family have become good friends of ours so we are looking forward to helping them with their New Years celebrations and having a good catch up. 

From the whole team at Spitting Pig Wales I wish you a very happy New Year and all the best for 2011.

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