Hog Roast Tenby – Supporting Your Business with Quality Corporate Catering

A lot of smaller independently owned businesses may look at corporate catering and figure that they don’t need it for their own business. It’s an additional business expense that perhaps isn’t worth it’s pricing against its return, or they may think that there is little cause for their business to be hosting events, and thus don’t have any need for a corporate caterer in their books. However, after 20+ years in this industry providing exceptional catering to businesses both big and small, local and global, we at Hog Roast Tenby are able to tell you that you do indeed need corporate catering, even if you think you don’t.

Hog Roast TenbyCorporate catering is an invaluable service to have for your business, even if you are a brand that isn’t going to typically be looking to host your own events. Here at Hog Roast Tenby we do services as simple as providing bi-weekly or even monthly lunches to workplace teams, which could be a huge motivator for your staff and any potential workers that you may be looking to hire. We can help you to promote your local business with small promotional events with the addition of our hog roast catering. This may just be a stall out somewhere where you’re handing out flyers, but to draw people in you could also have our Hog Roast Tenby chefs equipped with a  full hog roast and plenty of rolls for filling up and handing out. Or our dining could even just be there to serve your annual Christmas party to save you the headache of having to search out a bar or restaurant to house your team at the busiest time in hospitality in the year.

The way you use your corporate catering team is up to you, but with one like Hog Roast Tenby you can get as creative as you want – and in fact we would encourage you too! Just having a trusted corporate caterer in your books makes for a handy tool for when you do need it. It’s always better be prepared for just in case, because as your business does grow you are going to be more and more likely to need a caterer at some time or another. Why not start getting to know us sooner rather than later, then!